Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Review: Yak Cannabis Extract Capsules (Sativa)

Recently, I picked up a bottle of Yak Cannabis Extract Capsules, the Sativa variety. I had never tried them but off the shelf they appealed to me for three reasons:
  1. I prefer edibles for pain management, one of my chief reasons for using medical marijuana.
  2. I generally stick to Sativas during the day and it's difficult, if not impossible, to get a "Sativa edible" without having made it myself.
  3. Any opportunity for a convenient and discreet way to medicate in public is full of win.
I decided to road test these babies during a day at a local amusement park. This sort of activity - walking all day and getting on and off rides - is just the sort of thing that will typically send me into a full-on Fibro flare-up. I was anxious to see how the Yak Sativa Extract Capsules would help me manage my pain in an atypical situation like a day at an amusement park. I had high hopes (pun unintended but appreciated) but brought my prescription pain management medications as a back-up. I was told by my budtender at California Healing that most people take one or two capsules at a time, so I was prepared to start with one and see how it treated me.

We stopped for breakfast first thing in the morning and I took a capsule at the end of my meal. We were walking into the amusement park within 30-45 minutes and the capsule was kicking in on cue. It started with a general lightening and happy feeling in my head that quickly moved down into my body in big, tingly waves. The capsule gave me a bright, energetic feeling that lasted without spinning me into my own head. I was relaxed and quite social. Not to be gross, but I had tasty little "bud burps" all day long. I'm surprised and pleased to report that I was able to traverse the park from 10am - 5pm without having to take any of my PRN painkillers.

After we left the park I continued to feel the effects of the capsule for another couple of hours as it gently faded without a hard crash.  I have only two complaints about this product:
  1. I had some serious cottonmouth all day. I literally had to have a drink in my hand at all times or my tongue turned to sandpaper. But really, that's par for the course sometimes and not all that much to complain about.
  2. The capsules contain butter. I realize the manufacturer needs a fat to carry the THC but as a vegan I'd really prefer one that is not derived from an animal. There are plenty of vegan/nondairy options. Plus I don't need the extra fat and calories.
Other than that I'd have to say the Yak Sativa Extract Capsules were a great purchase. I'm happy with them and look forward to medicating with these capsules in the future. As an aside, I received a small envelope of two Yak Indica Capsules as a thanks for my donation. I'm saving them for a heavy pain day, a migraine, or some evening down-time medication. When I get the opportunity to try those, I'll post another review.  

One final thing: these capsules are not small. I'd say they're probably an inch long. If you have difficulty swallowing pills (I don't but I know a lot of people do), you may really have an issue trying to get one of these down. For best delivery, place the capsule far back on your tongue with the length of it pointing down your gullet. Take a big swig of water and swallow without hesitation. Don't give the thing time to drift around and turn sideways. If you really have trouble try looking at your local drug store for a product called Pill Glide Swallowing Spray. I use it to take pills when I'm out and don't have something to drink. It's like flavored throat lubricant, everything you put in your mouth just slips right on down your throat. Get your mind out of the gutter and good luck!

Place of Purchase: California Healing
Price: $25.00
Description: Packaged 12 to a container, each capsule contains 100mg of medicinal cannabis

From the manufacturer:
If you don't like to smoke or you need a more convenient way to medicate, the Yak capsules are the best way to go. Yak THC extract capsules give you a perfectly measured dose of cannabis medication. Yak THC caps are made with premium extracts and organic ingredients for a convenient, discreet way to medicate. Yak Caps are the perfect edibles solution, when your on the go or just don’t feel like sweet snacks.

Active Ingredients: 100 mg. each of medicinal cannabis flowers
Sativa: Active ingredients: Prime flowers of Blue Dream, Super Silver Haze and Pineapple Thai
Indica: Prime flowers of Grandaddy Purple and Purple Kush.
Other ingredients: Organic butter, Vitamin C as ascorbic acid (a preservative).http://www.yakedibles.org/home.html